Saturday, October 31, 2009


En la tarde del sábado se ha realizado la entrega de los galardones de la II edición de los premios del Salón del Manga. Estos galardones están consagrados a reconocer los mejores mangas publicados en España, DVD de anime y canal o programa de televisión español dedicado al manga y al anime. Los ganadores han sido elegidos por votación popular a través de la web de FICOMIC. Los premios no tienen dotación económica y su finalidad es conocer cuáles son los mejores mangas para el público. Los mangas y animes que podían optar a los premios debían haberse publicado entre el 1 de septiembre de 2008 y el 31 de agosto de 2009. Los premiados en esta entrega del Salón del Manga 2009 han sido:

Mejor Kodomo (manga infantil)

El dulce hogar de Chi, de Konami Kanata. Publicado por Ediciones Glénat.

Serie de manga a todo color protagonizada por un simpático y tierno gatito que ha hecho furor en Japón y que ya se ha convertido en todo un superventas.

Mejor Seinen (manga adulto)

Pluto, de Naoki Urasawa y Osamu Tezuka. Publicado por Planeta DeAgostini.

En esta nueva obra de robots de Naoki Urasawa (20th Century Boys), el autor recoge argumentos y personajes de otro genio del manga: Osamu Tezuka, el mítico creador de Astro Boy.

Mejor Shonen (manga de aventuras)

One Piece, de Eiichiro Oda. Publicado por Planeta DeAgostini.

Una historia de piratas en la que su protagonista busca un tesoro con una tripulación de lo más variopinta.

Mejor Shojo (manga para chicas)

Nodame Cantabile, de Tomoko Ninomiya. Publicado por Norma Editorial.

Nodame y Chiaki forman la pareja más atípica que pueda imaginarse: él es atractivo y brillante. Ella es caótica y parece que le falta un tornillo, pero tiene un talento natural para la música. Su historia de ¿amor? a ritmo de música clásica se ha convertido en un fenómeno que ha cautivado a todo el mundo.

Mejor DVD de Anime

Evangelion 1.0. Editado por Selecta Visión

La nueva versión de una serie mítica de anime que hace furor entre los otakus.

Mejor Autor de Manga en activo

Naoki Urasawa

Es autor de Pluto, Monster y 20th Century Boys, entre otros títulos. Urasawa es en la actualidad uno de los mangakas más populares y leídos del mundo.

Mejor Canal o Programa de Televisión dedicado al Anime o del Manga

El programa del K3 (de la televisión autonómica catalana) dedicado a la animación juvenil y que cuenta con una web muy visitada llena de juegos, vídeos, blogs, concursos entre otras actividades.

Mejor Manga de Autor Español.

No te escondas, de Laura Bartolomé (Dorianne). Publicado por Now Evolution.

Ángel es el típico niño rico que tiene todo lo que quiere, aunque que se siente solo, su madre jamás le ha mostrado afecto, su padre es un exigente abogado y su hermana está enferma de cáncer. Sólo sabe esconder su dolor de una forma, siendo superficial. Zenón, un hombre solitario, tímido y que perdió la memoria de niño de forma misteriosa y violenta, es contratado para ser su guardaespaldas. Ambos se empeñarán en guardar sus sentimientos por miedo al rechazo ¿Podrán esconder el amor que sienten el uno por el otro por mucho más tiempo?

El programa detallado de actividades del Salón del Manga y los horarios se pueden consultar en la página web de Ficomic:


Ilustración realizada por Esteban Decker.

Friday, October 30, 2009


Hoy se ha presentado la XV edición del Salón del Manga, que se celebrará del 29 de octubre al 1 de noviembre en La Farga de L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona), en una conferencia de prensa realizada en Casa Asia Barcelona. En el acto han intervenido Antoni Comas, Presidente de FICOMIC –entidad organizadora del evento– y del Gremio de Editores de Catalunya; Teruaki Nagasaki, Cónsul General del Japón en Barcelona; Menene Gras, directora de Cultura y Exposiciones de Casa Asia Barcelona; y Carles Santamaria, director del Salón del Manga; En la conferencia de prensa, Menene Gras se ha congratulado de la colaboración que mantiene Casa Asia y Cine Asia con el Salón del Manga.

Igualmente ha destacado las actividades que desde su entidad se realizan a lo largo del año de promoción de la cultura japonesa. Antoni Comas ha subrayado en su intervención que el público del manga se incrementa cada año y que el Salón gana nuevos adeptos en cada edición.
Asimismo, pese a lamentar que el sector editorial tampoco se haya escapado de la crisis económica, Comas consideró que el impacto de la recesión es menor que en otros sectores. Por eso concluyó que la inversión realizada en el Salón por el sector del cómic se recuperará a través de las ventas y de los nuevos seguidores que se van sumando a la cultura manga.
La importancia internacional del evento quedó muy clara en la intervención de Teruaki Nagasaki, que citó el Salón del Manga que se celebra en L’Hospitalet como una de las tres citas más importantes de las consagradas al cómic nipón en todo el mundo por su envergadura y por el número de visitantes que acuden. “Barcelona ya se ha convertido en la capital del manga en Europa gracias a este evento”. Asimismo, el Cónsul recordó que el manga es el acceso por el que miles de personas empiezan a interesarse por la cultura japonesa. Entre la amplia programación, Nagasaki quiso destacar la exposición y las numerosas actividades dedicadas en esta edición del Salón a la moda japonesa más actual, cuya influencia es cada vez más evidente fuera de Japón y que va mucho más allá de la estética lolita y de otras tribus urbanas como los góticos.

Carles Santamaria coincidió con Nagasaki en su valoración de las nuevas tendencias de la moda japonesa y recordó que ésta será una de las grandes protagonistas del Salón porque el evento siempre apuesta por ampliar su oferta más allá del manga y del anime. El director del Salón afirmó también que, pese a la crisis, el encuentro tiene plena ocupación de expositores, que en esta edición suman 135. Por otro lado, Santamaria subrayó también como actividades destacadas las exposiciones dedicadas a Yoshito Usui, el creador de Shin Chan recientemente fallecido; la
antológica de Ken Niimura; la muestra que recoge la última obra de Luis Royo, Dead Moon (Norma Editorial); y la exposición colectiva en la que cinco pintores aportan su singular visión de Japón. Además, el director del Salón citó algunos de los artistas invitados, como la cantante Yuka,
intérprete de animes tan populares como Dragon Ball. En esta edición el Salón espera igualar los 60.000 visitantes de la pasada entrega.

El programa detallado de actividades del Salón del Manga y los horarios se pueden se pueden consultar en la página web de Ficomic:

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Jared's BATMAN Halloween Jack O' Lantern Pumpkin

A new friend to the Bat-Blog, named Jared, sent us a photo of his BATMAN Jack O' Lantern Pumpkin. He carved it last year but he said he didn't know about the Bat-Blog then so he's sending it now, ha ha. Oh man, it looks totally WICKED! Seriously, he did a great job on it. It shows Batman flying through the sky of Gotham City. It even has the Bat-Signal symbol in the air...very cool! Thanks for sharing this Jared & if any other Bat-Blog Fans have cool pics like this to send then please do. Our e-mail button is ALWAYS on the top right hand side of this page. SAFE & HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYBODY!!

DC Comics BATMAN 2010 Wall Calendar

Warner Bros has just released their new BATMAN Comic Book Wall Calendar for 2010 & it looks pretty cool! The only place I have been able to find it is at their website. If you're interested in getting one then I suggest buying one early because they always sell out. Just click on the button down below. When you get there do a search for "Batman Calendar".

Bloomingdale's DC COMICS 75th Anniversary T-Shirts ( Batman & Joker )

To celebrate the 75th anniversary of DC Comics Bloomingdale's Department Store is selling some cool Batman & Joker themed T-Shirts. The Vintage Style "Japanese Batman" ( in the 1st photo ) is my personal favorite & I really like the one that looks like a cover to an old Golden Age "Detective Comics" Comic Book. The prices range from $39.00 to around $60, OUCH!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

BATMAN RETURNS Batman & Catwoman Costumes By Zack!

This is our friend Zack with his lovely Girlfriend. Of course he is Batman (1992 BATMAN RETURNS "Michael Keaton" movie version ) & she is perfect as the Catwoman. Zack told me that even though he built his costume himself, with items he found from different locations, he did custom-build the chest piece for this bat-suit. OK, I gotta say that both costumes look really really great & I don't mean any disrespect here but, Dude, your Girlfriend is totally HOT! But all kidding aside, I guarentee that both of you will be a total hit at any party you go to...HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! ( Zack - Thanks for sending the wonderful pics )

Cape's THE LONG HALLOWEEN Jack O' Lantern Pumpkin!

Our good buddy Cape made this totally cool Batman-theme Jack O' Lantern Pumpkin!! Of course it was inspired by "The Long Halloween" Comic Book Graphic Novel & I think he did an amazing job on it!! Well, I think his Mom helped a little bit ...but he did most of the work. With the holiday just a few days away people are starting to go crazy. I hope YOU have your costume ready this year & HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYBODY!! ( Thanks Cape, Great Job! )

BATMOBILE Italian CODATRONCA CAR - TV Commercial : This is Not Gotham City!

Here's an Italian TV Advertising Commercial from Italy. It's a short ad for the Italian CODATRONCA Car Company. The basic message, I guess, is that their new automobile looks like Batman's Car, but it is NOT the Batmobile! Ha Ha, enjoy.

CLICK HERE For More Batman Video!

Read The 1966 ADAM WEST BATMAN TV Show LIFE Magazine For Free!

In 1966 Adam West was on the cover of LIFE Magazine. It was for a story about the '66 Batman TV Show craze. Well, here's a link where you can now read it for free, the entire issue! Just click HERE!

BATMAN HALLOWEEN Desktop Wallpaper Backgrounds!

Oh man! I almost totally forgot that today is "Wacky Wallpaper Wednesday", ha ha! So, just in time, here are a few Batman-themed Desktop Backgrounds you can use to brighten your day! I also thought it would be good if they had a "Halloween-theme" because that holiday is in a few days. So, HERE...WE...GO! The 1st one is a montage I created from many of the different Batman-related Costume Photos that readers have sent in. Now, of course, I could not get everybody in there & I promise I picked them out totally at random so I'm not playing favorites here. Just thought it would be fun! The next 2 were made from some photos sent to me by a costume company. The "Blond Girl as Robin, The Boy Wonder" is pretty nice to look at all day long & the "Dog in Batman Costume" just totally cracks me up, ha ha! ( Dogs NEVER look happy in these photos but he does ). HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYBODY!! Please be safe out there!!

Funny Comic Strip FOX TROT Mentions Batman & Joker!

A Bat-Blog Fan named Brian sent us this totally hilarious newspaper comic strip last night. It's 2 characters from FOXTROT engaged in a deep philosophical conversation. You might have to click on it to read it, but it's pretty funny! ( Thanks Brian, You ROCK, Sir! )

BATMAN & JOKER Halloween Costume Photos!!

The Bat-Blog has been going crazy goo goo over Halloween this year & many readers have been completely wonderful about sending us pictures of themselves wearing Batman-themed costumes ( Thanks! ). Here's a great example of something from the past & more modern-day. The 1st picture was sent in by our good friend Ian, who lives in Canada. It's an older vintage photo ( about 1966 or 67 ) showing him on his parent's porch & he's BATMAN! I'm not sure who his friend is but they were stuck being YOGI THE BEAR! Now, they both look totally ready to go hit the neighborhood because they not only have their Plastic Pumpkins to fill with candy but they ALSO have some super-giant shopping bags! Now that's total ambition there, ha ha! I remember one year my cousin & I each used a large over-sized pillowcase...we raked it in! The 2nd photo is a lot more recent, & sort of "not Halloween-related", but it does show a GREAT Joker Costume! This is a good friend of the Bat-Blog named Paul. He's totally into creating Batman Costumes & this is one of my favorites. The great thing about this pic, other than the Joker Costume being totally great, is the fact that he took it in front of the real-life Presidential WHITE HOUSE, ha ha ha! I wonder if the Secret Service brought their warning level up a notch? That's hilarious! I wanna thank Ian for sharing his wonderful family photo. I also wanna thank Paul for allowing me to post a photo I totally stole from his MySpace page, ha ha! Happy Halloween Everybody!

Christian Wolf-La'Moy en Club Batman

Autógrafos originales del actor Christian Wolf-La'Moy el cual participó en Batman (1989).

Actress Mary Louise Parker...Bat-Babe!

I have always liked the actress Mary Louise Parker. She's smart, funny, talented, & extremely HOT! I can't remember what TV Show ( or Movie ) I first saw her in but I've always thought she was super-cute, from day one! For the last few years she has been staring in a TV series on Showtime called WEEDS & it's a pretty good show. I've only seen a few episodes, because I don't have that cable channel, but I do plan on renting the entire thing someday. But anyway, last night I was surfing the web & just randomly came upon one of those celebrity news websites. Now, personally, I don't really care about what new purse Paris Hilton is sporting or who Britney Spears is dating, that's so lame. But when I scrolled down I saw this photo...Hubba Hubba! It's Mary Louise Parker wearing a Batman Bat-Symbol Logo T-Shirt! Now, is she really a Batman Fan or did some publicist say, "18-45 yr old nerds will think you're sexy in this shirt, blah, blah". OK, I proudly fit that demographic & I agree, she does look extremely HOT, ha ha! Of course she would look great wearing anything. ( Oh, I'm trying to bring back the phrase "Hubba Hubba" so please use it in a conversation soon ). I hope she's wearing this T-Shirt because, in real life, she's a Batman Fan...that would be so cool!

Batman Vol. 2 Nº 27

Edición original: Batman 674-675 USA
Guión: Grant Morrison
Dibujo: Ryan Benjamin, Tony Daniel
Formato: Comic-book, 48 págs., color.

La irrupción del tercer “fantasma de Batman” en la Comisaría de Gotham obligó a Bruce Wayne a interrumpir su cita con Jezebel Jet. Como consecuencia del inevitable enfrentamiento, el verdadero Batman recibió una herida de bala que derivó en un paro cardíaco. Durante su convalecencia, el Hombre Murciélago experimentó flashbacks centrados en el Ritual Thögal practicado en Nanda Parbat, y extrañas visiones reflejo de un personaje llamado Batmito y de una versión alternativa del asesino de sus padres. Nada comparado con lo que le espera cuando recobre la consciencia…

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


College Humor has just made another parody-spoof of The Dark Knight Batman movie & it's pretty funny! It features Jim Gordon talking on the roof of the Gotham City Police Department building with Batman...enjoy!

CLICK HERE For More Batman Video!

Kevin is HARVEY DENT / TWO-FACE From The Dark Knight Batman Movie!

Alright, these photos were really fun to receive because for the 1st time I got to see what my friend Kevin looks like ( I've known him on the Internet for awhile but have never met him ) and I got to see his amazing Batman-themed Halloween Costume! He chose to be Harvey Dent / Two-Face & his make-up plus costume are totally awesome! I mean, extremely well done. He really looks like he has been burned. His business suit is perfect on one side & damaged on the other. Plus, the "Vote For Harvey Dent" Political Campaign Button is a nice touch...he even has a 2-sided Coin! Thank you Kevin for sending us these great pics. You should be very proud of your costume & I bet it will be a SMASH-HIT at any Halloween Party! I'm not dressing-up this year & I'm totally jealous, ha ha!

THE DARK KNIGHT Batman and Joker ECKO UNLTD. Zip-Up Hoodie with Masks

Some big fashion news right now is that Ecko Unltd. designed some new Batman ( The Dark Knight ), Joker ( Heath Ledger version ), Kiss ( Gene Simmons ), Jason ( Friday The 13th ), Jigsaw ( Saw Movie ) Zip-Up Hoodies with Masks. These just came out & they are truly Limited Edition so if ya want one you should do it quickly. My guess is that the one of The Joker will sell out first because it's the most interesting of the bunch. The deal about these hoodies is that you can have a regular hoodie ( that's open-faced, or you can zip it up all the way & it creates a mask to keep your face warm. Here's some photos of The Joker & Batman Hoodies. Now, I guess I gotta explain that when I went to their website to get the photos for this they only had the one picture of the Batman Hoodie. The day before they had many different pics & then they were down. I think it was a temporary glitch so if you're interesting in seeing what the back looks like then just click HERE!

Monday, October 26, 2009


Hey Batman Collectors! Be on the look out for this new BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD product! It's a package of AIRHEADS CANDY with special bat-graphics! The basic concept is you get this large package that contains 6 individually-wrapped bars of taffy. Each one is a different flavor & has a different character from the cartoon series: Batman, Red Tornado, Aquaman, Blue Beetle, Green Arrow, & Plastic Man. Also, be sure to keep an eye out for the exclusive TV Commercial for this. It's pretty awesome! In fact, if you visit the Official AIRHEADS website you can see the video online. It's located at the top right-hand side of their page. They also have fun games you can play like voting for your favorite character. You can get there by clicking HERE!

Vintage 1989 BATMAN AND ROBIN Halloween Costume Photos!

I gotta say that this year Bat-Blog Fans have been totally wonderful about sending us their "Batman Halloween Costume" photos! It's great & I really appreciate it. Some have been about what they're gonna look like this year & others are from the past. I like both a lot but I have to say that I really love the vintage photos the best! I guess because they seem to bring back such fond memories. Anyway, here is our buddy Jason & his Brother Daryl. The year was 1989 & they were totally swept-up in the Batman movie ( Michael Keaton ) craze! Jason was the Dark Knight & Daryl was Robin, The Boy Wonder!! I wanna thank Jason for sending these because they're so awesome! Not just the photos, but the costumes too...very cool!

Halloween Costumes: THE BAT AND THE CAT!

Here's an extremely professional-looking photo of our friends Dallas & his lovely Wife. I mean, they must have gone to some Commercial Photography Studio or something! Anyway, the pic is really great & so are the costumes ( Please click on the photo for a larger pic ). This is from Halloween last year when they were Batman ( Modern-Day Comic Book version ) & Catwoman ( artist - Jim Balent ). I have always loved this "Purple Cat-Suit" version of Catwoman but right now I think I am liking it even more, ha ha! Well, both costumes are awesome. I usually put a cheap plastic halloween mask on & I'm ready to go. Looking at this pic you can tell that they are totally serious, that's great! ( Thanks to Dallas & his Wife for sending this to us ).


Ilustraciones originales realizadas por Marcelo Pont para el 70 aniversario del personaje que realiza el club.

Nuestro agradecimiento al artista por su brillante aportación.

Jason's CUSTOM BATMAN MEGO DOLL - 8" Action Figure!

Everybody who grew-up in the 1970's has fond memories of a toy line called MEGO. They made a lot of Superhero Toys that have now become classic. These things are getting a lot harder to find now. But something that has happened in the last few years is that people are totally into customizing them. Well, they're not ruining ones that are in good shape, that would be bad, but on occasion you find them totally wasted & that's what they use. I think it's really cool. I love when people are creative like this & sometimes the result of these custom figures is extremely cool & very clever. Here's a very good example: Our friend Jason sent us some photos of an Adam West 1966 Batman TV Show MEGO Doll he put together. He got the fake Blister Card from one source, the clothing from another, & so on. Then he made this awesome Batman figure!! The details are wonderful. It's a total fantasy-piece, because MEGO TOYS never made this, but it would have been so great if they did! The figure measures about 8" tall & comes with a Bat-Suit Costume, Head Cowl, Boots, Gloves, & a Bat-Belt!! I also love the packaging. It looks so authentic & seeing the photos of the characters is really cool. I wanna thank Jason for sending these incredible photos & if any other Bat-Blog Fans out there are into making Custom Toys of any kind then please sen us your pics. Our e-mail button is always on the top right-hand side of this page.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


OK, right now I could not be more proud! Yesterday I received an e-mail from a Bat-Blog Fan named Xavier. He is 9 years old, in the 4th Grade, & really loves to draw comic book characters. He even has a cool website, called "Super Creations", where he shares his artwork. He also really really loves the Bat-Blog! In the letter he sent this picture he recently drew to help promote the Bat-Blog on his website. It's EXTREMELY SUPER-AWESOME!! Please be sure to click on it for a larger, more detailed, version. He drew a bunch of characters in the "Animated Series" style: Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Nightwing, The Riddler, Bane, Clayface, & even Two-Face!! I totally love it & really appreciate it, it's great! Plus, his drawing skills are very good for a little kid. This guy will probably work for DC or Marvel Comics in the future! Thank you very much Xavier for making & sending this pic to us. Readers, if you would like to see more comic book art from this talented artist then please visit his website by clicking HERE!


Ilustración original realizada por Luis Royo para el club en Imaginamalaga 2009.

BATMAN BAT-SYMBOL Chrome Emblem For Your Car or Truck!

The other day, on the Internet, I came across a most excellent find that I knew I had to share with my readers. I found a company that makes high-end "Chrome-Plated BATMAN Emblems" for your car, truck, or auto!! Well, they also make Superman ones too but who cares, ha ha! There are 2 different Batman-themed auto emblems: The "Modern Bat-Logo" that you see on the chest of the Bat-Suit in the current comic books and an older silver-age version that is the classic "oval-shape". Oh man, I really love both of them, but I'm leaning more towards the oval-shaped one just because it's more recognizable. Now, these are not made out of cheap plastic, like some companies make, but they're actual chromed metal, very high quality. The retail price ( including Free Shipping ) is $25.00. When you get them they are presented inside a special Jewel Case box. I was actually thinking that if you have a Display Case ( piece of furniture ) in your house then this would be cool to stick on there to make it look like an "Official Batman Display Case", ha ha! For more information please be sure to visit their website by clicking HERE!

COSTUMES - BATMAN: The Brave And The Bold - I'm The MUSIC MEISTER!

Cue Music: "I'm The Music Meister, The Music Meister!" OK, regardless if you loved or hated the recent episode of Batman: The Brave and The Bold animated cartoon series where it was a "Batman Musical" with Neil Patrick Harris you DO have to admit that these costumes are totally GREAT!! A friend of mine sent these to me & I was instantly very impressed. Of course they are the Music Meister & Black Canary. The details are very accurate & the costumes are extremely well made! Please click on the above graphic for a larger, sharper, photo. My friend didn't tell me if this was cosplay at some Comic Book Convention, or a cute couple at a Halloween Party, but either way these Batman-themed Costumes are just crazy-insane! ( Thanks Jeff ).

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Original BATMAN COMIC BOOK ART by The UK's Clint Langley.

Here are some photos sent in by our good friend Guenter. He recently went to a comic convention in Essen , Germany called "Comic Action". While there he was able to pick up a few pieces of Batman Original Artwork by the British Comic Book Artist Clint Langley. The 1st one shown here is, of course, BANE the evil super-villain. It's great! The picture also shows the actual artist. Now, the 2nd photo is a piece he did with both Batman & The Joker! As a bonus, because the artwork is so cool, I took the photo & made it a Desktop Wallpaper you can use as a background. Please let me know what you think of it. I wanna thank Guenter for sharing these pics with us. He has a great collection of art like this & I always love to see it. If any other Bat-Blog Fans get a chance to meet their favorite comic book artists then please be sure to share some stories too, thanks!

CLICK HERE For More FREE Batman Desktop Wallpaper Backgrounds of The Dark Knight!